"If you want to be gay with me, you have to be able to be gay with yourself."

I have a feeling this will end up tattooed on someone's body. Or at the very least cross-stitched on a throw pillow.

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As always, these women have some AMAZING answers!! Y’all are honestly so smart and down to earth; your advice always seems to be the perfect blend of motivation, humor, and realism. I love it!

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These answers are always so funny, enlightening, and always on point.

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As soon as I read the second question...I was like is Patricia writing herself questions now??

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This is great really advice. I'm tickled because I know someone who could really benefit from reading your answers to the first 2 questions.

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The two men I love most in the world are both bald and started losing their hair before they turned 20. One had long hair past his waist and buzzed it down to the wood at 24 and bought a hat, the other lived in denial until he met me at 29 and I introduced him to wet shaving his head. Bald isn't just beautiful, it's hot; offer to shave your boyfriend's head, throw in a massage afterwards (moisturising is important), and see where the night takes you. It might give him the confidence to make a change and if not, he can grow it back and wear a hat.

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